Saturday, 2 July 2016

Saturday 2 July – Ribe to Sittensen

For a change an earlier start for no particular reason to a bright and breezy day after quite heavy rain overnight. We're only 45km from the border so reasoning that things are cheaper in Germany we delayed our shopping stop until we found a Lidl. A bit necessary as we discovered the bottled water we'd bought was fizzy and the milk, err, wasn't milk – but it goes okay on cereal; have to get the dictionary out but we think it's soya.

Shortly after we topped up with fuel and also bought a German map, another of those items that got forgotten – remember our early posts? Then continue, first of all on straight and fast ordinary roads and after lunch onto the autobahn to Hamburg. No speed limit on this one which meant we were constantly being passed by cars doing well over 100 mph and not all of them modern high power types; an original Mini-Cooper was doing his best too! My Mum used to have one of those!

Roundabout Art
Unfortunately the weather deterorated until we were going from heavy shower, through sunshine to more rain. Hamburg was very wet but turning westbound towards Bremen, and incidentally rejoining our outbound route, we could see blue ahead of us so started planning our stop. Bren espied a likely looking place at Sittensen so navigated us to, basically, a car park on the edge of the town next to a watermill and museum. Joining several other vans already parked up, we noticed there were basic water ad waste facilities as well as excellent public loos close by and a lovely park across the road; a nice place to stop. And free!

A walk after a cuppa showed once again the town didn't have a lot going for it, but the exercise did us good and we returned for tea, now having been joined by several more motorhomes of varying nationality – the place is getting quite full. But the weather is still very changeable and we had further rain showers to come.

Parking at Sittensen

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