Thursday, 9 June 2016

Thursday 9 June – Jonkoping to Stockholm

A nice bright sunny start, if not the warmest but as, latitude-wise, we're already north of the Orkney Islands we must expect cooler nights! But it sooned warmed up and following our usual start we got away just after 11.00. A gas bottle had run out a couple of days ago and as Sweden is not quite awash with LPG stations, we picked one from the MyLPG app on our route at Linkoping and set up TomTom. Just as well because we'd never have found it otherwise.........

Topped off, it was back on a quite busy motorway headed for Stockholm, and we settled down once again to enjoy the scenery. We've managed to find a nice setting on the cruise control which doesn't mean we're forever slowing down/speeding up as we encounter trucks and it seems quite good on fuel consumption. We've noticed that fuel is a similar price to the UK by the way.

Swedish Air Force
A latish lunch in a nice picnic area just off the motorway; these appear quite regularly and are well signposted. Then after a perusal of the campsite books continued our journey with a plan to make for a stellplatz type place north of Stockholm. Unfortunately our timings coincided with rush hour in Stockholm and, coupled with a truck breakdown and road works, it took us over an hour to cross Stockholm. We had already decided not to stop here, the Rough Guide not showing us anything of enough interest to break our journey, so once again TomTom took us to our overnight stop.

Main street

Lutherian church

Ancient rune stones

Sigtuna turns out to be the oldest town in Sweden and was first to mint coinage. It was once upon a time a major trading centre and received the Kings patronage. Nowadays it is little more than a marina but has an attractive main street built in traditional Swedish style. After tea we took Jamie out to explore and to give him some exercise, something he hasn't had much of today. Then at 10.30 the man came round to collect his money! Drat, thought we'd got away with that!

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