Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Wednesday 22 June – Ulsvag to Mo I Rana

Wind got up during the night with a shower of rain but by getting up time it was nice and bright again. After the usual on our way out Bren called into the village mini-market for bits and pieces whilst Terry tried to get fuel; unfortunately the automated pump system was broken. Not to worry we've got enough to get to Fauske, where we hope to get the gas bottles refilled as well – one ran out a couple of nights ago.

Once again the weather rapidly deteriorated and the motor was still playing up but we persevered along the busy but still quite fast E6 and entered Fauske just as the fuel warning light came on. Found the LPG station (they are few and far between in Norway) and then to a garage to refuel. As it was available we thought a tankful of “super-diesel” might be an idea to see if that helps our problem.

The plan now was to head towards Bodo, possibly visit the Norwegian Aviation Museum then continue around the coast the pretty way. But with increasingly heavy rain and the engine still occasionally misfiring we gave it up and after a lunch stop turned round to head back to Fauske and then take the main road south. Pity because we'd come through a toll section and had to go back through it. Whilst stopped Terry had put the analyser onto the engine which indicated a problem we might need professional assistance for, so we're going to head for Trondheim and if necessary find a Fiat garage there.

Green roofs
The E6 is undergoing quite extensive roadworks so we encountered a few delays. However the rain stopped and it became quite a pleasant scenic drive. Of course we also encountered the Arctic Circle, this time going south, and the inevitable visitor centre which had to be visited and purchases made in the souvenir shop, plus photos taken.

Just to get him in the picture!

Russian Monument 1940-45

Bit cool around here!

We could have stayed overnight here, after all it was 7.00 pm by the time we left, but it was very cold and there was no shelter from the fresh breeze at 2000 ft, so we pushed on, seeking out another of the picnic spots that we've seen plenty of. However the few we encountered all had signs forbidding overnight parking so continued to Mo I Rana where there was supposed to be free parking – but it was now a shopping centre car-park! However we had passed a sign for Mo I Rana Camping so backtracked and found a very pleasant riverside campsite, if a little expensive even without the option of electricity, and as it was now well after 8.00 pm we called it a day. The latest we've ever stopped anywhere!

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